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Главная » 2013 » Январь » 31 » Манускрипт 16 века об огнестрельном оружии
Манускрипт 16 века об огнестрельном оружии

Early Explosives

Grenades, projectiles, fireworks and offensive weaponry illustrations from a 16th century German manuscript

rocket bird + turbo cat

Feuer Buech 68r

Feuer Buech 91v

Feuer Buech 122v

Feuer Buech 133v

Feuer Buech 148r

Feuer Buech 178v

Feuer Buech 114v

Feuer Buech 116r

Feuer Buech 194v

Feuer Buech 169r

Feuer Buech 96r

Feuer Buech 121v

Feuer Buech 168r

Feuer Buech 55v

Feuer Buech 162r

Feuer Buech 116v

Beyond the novel inclusion of our rocket bird and turbo cat - up top - this 1584 treatise on explosive devices appears to illustrate weaponry seen in earlier manuscripts and offers no new technologies for the Renaissance commando types.

The sketches show various types of barrel bombs, hand grenades, nasty fragmentation/shrapnel explosives, cannons, throwing stars caltrops (anti-personnel ground spikes), unsophisticated spear and staff-mounted 'rockets' or bombs, catherine or pin wheel fireworks and your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine fire vessels and defensive emplacement stakes. Good to know that our modern evil ways build on the twisted imaginations of artistic forebears.

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«  Январь 2013  »

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